Love is in the Air

When we practice empathy by volunteering or imagining someone else’s plight,
when we draw on higher ideals – honesty, integrity, kindness, and love – miracles happen.
-The Miracle Collectors

In the coming three weeks leading up to publication of The Miracle Collectors, Uncovering Stories of Wonder, Joy, and Mystery, you will be hearing from us as we highlight specific chapters of the book as they relate to daily life.  Heading into Valentine's weekend, Katie relays a story of kindness inspired by love that, like miracles, unfolds over time. 

Collecting Miracle Moments One Story at a Time.

Joan and Katie

Willa Cather wrote, “Where there is great love there are always miracles.” It’s almost Valentine’s Day and we have the opportunity to celebrate Love. Of course, we think of romantic love, the Romeo and Juliet die for love, or the Pride and Prejudice, ride off into the sunset love, or more recently, the Bridgerton (Netflix) thank-god-for-binge-watching-during-the-pandemic kind of love.

The Greeks understood that there was more than one type of love and the highest form of love, Agape, Divine love or unconditional love is the love that we aspire to especially when we volunteer in the hopes of making someone else’s life easier. My husband Jim has volunteered for many years at a soup kitchen (Monday Night Hospitality) where he helped nearly every Monday night before the pandemic to serve 300-400 “guests.” One night a few years ago, a woman volunteer he had not seen there before asked him what she could do to help with the set up. He introduced himself and asked her name. “Drew,” she responded. He suggested she help bring the plates out to the tables with him. When they were finished, one of the regular volunteers came up and asked him, “What was she like?”

“What was who like?” Jim asked.

“How was it working with Drew?” The confused look on Jim’s face prompted his associate to follow up with, “You do know who that was?!” The continued confused look on Jim’s face prompted his associate to blurt out, “Drew Barrymore!” Upon hearing this story, our daughters and I incredulous, recounted the many Drew Barrymore movies we have loved beginning with E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial.

It is true that miracles are in the eyes of the beholder. In this case, meeting Drew Barrymore and hanging out with her while doing something worthwhile, spreading a little love around, would have been a miracle to me, even if it wasn’t for Jim. But miracles, like love, have a way of unfolding in their own good time. This week, a Monday Night Hospitality friend sent him a clip from Drew Barrymore’s new show on television. In it, Drew donates $5,000 to Monday Night Hospitality and puts up a photo from her volunteering there. Guess who is in the background of the photo?

"Today's forecast: mostly magical with a chance of miracles." (Unknown) This Valentine’s Day I hope a little love is sprinkled on your day and you are able to pass it on. (Katie)


Miracle Jeopardy


Sweet Forgiveness