It’s Gratitude’s Turn

Like a kaleidoscope, ever changing and working in tandem with every turn,
gratitude emerges as the touch point where awareness, connection, and meaning meet.
-The Miracle Collectors

First the boom, then debris everywhere was the report from the neighborhood west of the Denver International Airport on Sunday. What could have been a calamity was near miraculous as no one on the ground was injured and the flight crew was able to land the plane, now with only one engine, safely saving all 241 people on board. There are so many reasons to be grateful for this happy ending: clear weather, a highly skilled and alert crew, calm on the part of the passengers, and amazement on the ground as huge pieces of the plane rained down on a bustling suburb filled with families enjoying the beautiful day. A sigh of relief as well from those of us who fly and recognize what could have been. It's a reminder that life can change in an instant and feeling grateful for the gift of the present moment is what we have to hold onto.

Centuries ago Cicero wrote, "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, it is the parent of all others." As The Miracle Collectors comes to fruition in the next week, I am filled, overwhelmed really, with gratitude to all of you: our readers, our book ambassadors, those that have shared their remarkable stories with us. We could not have gotten to this moment without your support, your willingness to share, and your love. It has kept us going when the events of life loomed large and writing was our salvation. In the kaleidoscope of our lives the bits and pieces of our experiences can be revolved into a myriad of designs. While some days may seem more colorful than others, gratitude allows us to shift our perspective adding sparkle to the ordinary and reminding us of the importance of the deep connection we share with each other and the meaning that results. For that, and for all of you, I am forever grateful. (Joan)


Telling Stories


How To Catch A Miracle